Poetry & (non)Fiction

Poetry and fiction have a long history of speaking out for change. We welcome submissions that align to our ideals and mission. We are especially interested in new authors and folx who have been underrepresented in mainstream journals.

Methodology as Constructing a Home

Angela K. Frusciante, Ph.D

Image of a skylight showing clouds and blue sky


I began my doctoral studies in search of the perfect plans for my inquiry house. I thought three bedrooms, an office and a porch if possible. That wouldn’t be so hard to find. Nevertheless, the search for a residence has involved a series of visits as I have been driven to find that someplace to hang my metaphoric thinking cap.Anyone who has longed for that right place to be in life will understand my simultaneous excitement, frustration, and trepidation as I appraised each spot looking for that perfect structure or the right foundation upon which to build.

In my search I found myself at the doorways of “scholarly life,” teaching at the undergraduate level for the first time, and trying to put words on the page titled Dissertation Proposal. I stumbled a bit through the teaching garden, trying hard to practice what I preached — “empowering education;” in the process I learned not to preach. At the same time, I pushed and pulled trying to figure out the latch on the research gate; in the process I learned to climb. CLICK HERE FOR THE REST OF THE STORY…