
JCEC is excited to offer an entire section for reports related to collaboration for equitable change locally and globally. These reports, which have already been published and are publicly available (unless publication rights have been provided), are suggested by our editors and readership as important for consideration. If you know of an interesting print or other media type of report for sharing, let us know. We do not peer review these reports based on the assumption that they have been vetted in some ethical and rigorous way by their publishing organizations.

JCEC peer-reviews and publishes original works that are submitted to us, and links to Open Access works based on their Creative Commons licensing designation.

“Co-creating Effective and Inclusive Organizations (CEIO) is a unique, New Haven-centered initiative co-founded by Bill Graustein, a former academic and New Haven-based philanthropic community funder, and Niyonu Spann, an experienced equity educator, organizational development and change agent, and activist. The idea of creative agency and “co-creation” is the starting point, the grounding, and the center of CEIO’s vision CEIO seeks to encourage consciousness in co-creation to support active transformation in the face of various forces of oppression – power structures, cultural systems, internalized beliefs, and social conditions such as poverty, racism, and sexism – that act against our sense of individual and collective agency. In 2018, CEIO commissioned an inquiry process to understand and clearly articulate the inner workings of the CEIO work and to describe its effectiveness and impact. CC BY CLICK HERE